General Navy Communications Publications

Introduction to Communications - NAVPERS 10129 (1948)

  1. History of communications
  2. Early naval signaling
  3. Naval Communication Service
  4. Communication ratings
  5. Communication organization afloat
  6. Shipboard organization
  7. Visual-messenger-mail
  8. Radio and sound
  9. Teletype communications
  10. NTX
  11. General publications
  12. Classification
  13. Communications in amphib warfare

Introduction to Communications - NAVPERS 10129A (1952)

  1. History of communications
  2. Early naval signaling
  3. Naval Communication Service
  4. Communication ratings
  5. Communication organization afloat
  6. Shipboard organization
  7. Visual-messenger-mail
  8. Radio and sound
  9. Teletype communications
  10. NTX
  11. General publications
  12. Classification
  13. Communications in amphib warfare - complete pages here

General Communications - NAVPERS 10805 (1949)

  1. Privateers to Recent Years
  2. Voice of Command
  3. Wave Propagation
  4. Eyes and Ears of the Fleet
  5. Nerve Center
  6. Fundamentals of Procedure
  7. Introduction to Communication Security
  8. Physical Security
  9. Cryptosecurity
  10. Transmission Security
  11. Censorship and Security Finale
  12. A Large Ship Communication Organization

General Communications - NAVPERS 10805-A (1954)

  1. Naval Communications
  2. Communication Billets and Spaces
  3. Radio Wave Propagation
  4. Introduction to Communication Equipment
  5. Communications Ashore
  6. The Message
  7. Visual Signaling
  8. Facsimile
  9. Security

General Communications - NAVPERS 10805-B (1956) - available here

  1. Naval communications
  2. Communication billets and spaces
  3. Radio wave propagation
  4. Introduction to communication equipment
  5. Communications ashore
  6. The message
  7. Visual signaling
  8. Facsimile
  9. Security

Shipboard Communications - NAVPERS 10806 (1949)

  1. The Shipboard Organization
  2. Command and Communications
  3. The Communication Watch Officer
  4. The Custodian
  5. The Signal Officer
  6. The Radio Officer
  7. The Communication Officer

Shipboard Communications - NAVPERS 10806-A (1954)

  1. The Shipboard Organization
  2. Command and Communications
  3. The Communication Watch Officer
  4. The Custodian
  5. The Signal Officer
  6. The Radio Officer
  7. The Communication Officer

Deck Officer Communications - NAVPERS 10807 (1948)

Shore Based Communications - NAVPERS 10891 (1954)

Naval Communications - NAVPERS 10898 (1961)
 - Complete manual - download 40 MB pdf

  1. Taking over
  2. Task organizations and fleet operations
  3. The message
  4. The communication center afloat
  5. Basic radio theory
  6. Radiotelephone
  7. Visual signaling
  8. The division officer
  9. Training
  10. Security
  11. Entering and leaving port
  12. Report communications
  13. The directive
  14. Maintenance and overhaul
  15. Convoy communications
  16. Communications ashore
  17. The naval communications station

Naval Communications - NAVPERS 10898-A (1964)
 - Complete manual - download 42 MB pdf

  1. Introduction to naval communications - download 2.4 MB pdf
  2. Naval messages - download 3.2 MB pdf
  3. Communications afloat - download 4 MB pdf
  4. Communications ashore - download 4 MB pdf
  5. Convoy communications - download 2.9 MB pdf
  6. Propagation of radiofrequency energy - download 2.9 MB pdf
  7. Primary communication equipment - download 4.8 MB pdf
  8. Radiotelephone procedures - download 2.3 MB pdf
  9. Visual signaling - download 3.3 MB pdf
  10. Security - download 3.5 MB pdf
  11. The directive - download 1.9 MB pdf
  12. The division officer - download 2.7 MB pdf
  13. Training - download 4.6 MB pdf
  14. Maintenance - download 4 MB pdf
  15. Index - download 0.7 MB pdf

The Communications Officer - NAVPERS 10780

The Communications Officer Afloat - 1974 Navy film showing operations on a DE and CV

Merchant Ship Communications - NAVPERS 10875