AN/SRC-20, AN/SRC-21, AN/URC-9 UHF Transceiver

ET C School Trainee's Guide - 
  NAVPERS 93402-1 SRC-20 & SRC-21 Info Sheets - download 42 MB pdf
  NAVPERS 93402-3 SRC-20 & SRC-21 Schematics - download 10 MB pdf

Maintenance Training Simulator Document

1973 AN/URC-9() Manual 0967-LP-439-0010
1973 AN/SRC-20(), SRC-21(), URC-9A Manual 0967-LP-438-9010

1959 AN/URC-9 XN-1 and XN-2 Prototype Tests

1981 Prototype Solid State AM/FM AN/URC-9B(XN-2) Manual - thanks to K6YIC

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AM-1565/URC Amplifier
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AN/URC-9 Receiver-Transmitter
(RT-581/URC-9 + PP-2702/URC-9)
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AN/URC-9 - USAF contract, marked as AN/GRC-138 and with a modified air supply (no RT blower) - Some detail photos
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RT-581/URC-9 Receiver-Transmitter

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PP-2702/URC-9 AC Power Supply

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Some history

March 1953 Contract NObsr-63366 to Collins for development of AN/URC-9(XN-1) 
August 1956 - Contract NObsr-72622 was awarded to Collins Radio, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. for $159,250 covering 4 models of the URC-9( ) radio to be in accordance with Specification Ships-R-980 (B). This contract was returned to the Navy by Collins with exceptions, after which the award was cancelled by the Navy stating the "requirement no longer exists."
January 1957, NObsr-72650 was awarded Collins for R. & D. covering design, development, and testing 2 units AM-1565 per Ships-A-2469 at $395,345. At this point, earlier development was by Collins for the AN/URC-9(XN-1) and already funded under NObsr-63366. Also NObsr-75188 $578,178;
December 1959 - Test Results Report for AN/URC-9(XN-1)X and AN/URC-9(XN-2)
March 1962 NObsr-87290 $4,407,418.88, and June 1963 NObsr-89509 Collins including units and revised manufacturing drawings.
October 1963 - Navy solicitation N00600-11-64 covered the first open, competitive procurement for this equipment- bids opened October 16,1963 and resulted in the award of Contract NObsr-91068 to Stewart Warner bidding 161 units SRC-20 at $9,025, and 135 units SRC-21 at $5,100. The Government-furnished equipment included microfilm 27195 covering manufacturing drawings, plus technical manual NavShips 94695 and a unit of the AN/SRC-20 radio, plus other ancillary items.
April 1964 - NObsr-91149 awarded to Dubrow Electronics under informal solicitation 62704-36192/ .1 covering a combined quantity of 295 units of the SRC-20/21 radio sets for a total contract price stated to be $2,155,050.
June 1964 - NObsr-91284 awarded Teledyne Systems Corp., (DBA) Dubrow Electronics Industries, 235 Penn Street, Burlington, N.J., for a total $1,158,914 bidding 78 units of the radio SRC-20 at $6,910; 122 units SRC-21 at $3,880; and 51 units URC-9 at $2,874.
January 1965 - NObsr-93164 negotiated with Teledyne for a total starting price of $1,912,117 for AN/SRC-20/21 radio sets, quantity and price information not available.
December 1965 , open, formal, competitive solicitation N00600-333-66 resulted in apparent low bid from Teledyne and award to that firm at $5,532,767 bidding 427 units SRC-20 at $7,389, plus other equipment. (possibly NObsr-95140)

It gets fuzzy - there were solicitations, bids, protests, cancellations, etc.

June 1967 - N00024-67-C-1478 to Teledyne/Dubrow for $11,177,892 for SRC-20 at $7,874; SRC-21 at $4,724; URC-9 at $3,826; C-3868 at $144; and C-2383 at $82.
December 1968 - N00024- 69-C-1550 to Teledyne $184,000
January 1969 - N00024-69-C-1553 to Dayton Electronics $3,916,259
February 1969 - N00024-69-C-1557 to Dayton Electronics $417,185
June 1972 - N00039-72-C-0292 to Admiral Systems Corp., for $3,735,155 - SRC-20(A) at $10,872
January 1981 - Teledyne Manual for Solid State AM/FM AN/URC-9B(XN-2)